Important announcement

We are now offering the 9 month old funding! Please contact us for more information.

About us

Thank you for your interest in our homely, countryside family run children’s day nursery. Our staff team are experienced and knowledgeable. Here children learn and grow through experiencing and exploring the vast garden and countryside spaces surrounding the nursery.

The children take part in learning through play, through implementation of the “Early Years Foundation Stage” as stipulated by the Government.

We understand how important it is to make the right decision when it comes to choosing your child’s day care. We hope that this brochure will give you a little more insight into us as a setting, our mission and what makes us unique.

What Ofsted said about us

“Staff provide the care children need to feel settled and secure at the nursery.”
“Staff plan and provide a range of activities that engage and interest the children.”
“Parents comment on the lasting relationships children have built with their key person and how well staff know and understand children as individuals”

Our Ethos

We provide safe, home to home childcare. Children learn through experiencing our rural, natural and vast outdoor space and location. Children, parents and staff are relaxed and happy so that children thrive during their first experience of education.

Our Special Features

  • 1/2 acre spacious garden with purpose built areas e.g. construction area, mud kitchen and tipi dens
  • Expansion of an allotment area where the children can grow vegetables, experiencing their food go from the ground to their plate
  • Dedicated sensory room in development
  • Purposeful rooms, based on needs and interests of age ranges
  • Our own inhouse chef who cooks everything from scratch, using locally sourced ingredients
  • Highly qualified, trained and experienced team of practitioners
  • Ideal location between Milton Keynes and Buckingham
  • Security CCTV throughout the premises
  • Ample car parking


The Daily Mile

Running Rabbits Day Nursery is a proud member of a wonderful scheme called the ‘Daily Mile’. The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and well-being of our children, regardless of age, ability or personal circumstance. Just a few of the many benefits the children will experience in being a part of this wonderful program includes:

  • Improved cognition
  • Improved fitness and energy levels
  • Greater concentration levels in during activities
  • Improved wider health outcomes
  • Experience of being outdoors in all seasons/weather
  • Lower levels of obesity/weight reduction
  • Increased confidence and levels of happiness
  • Improved relationships and reduced isolation
  • Sense of achievement in improving their own fitness/stamina and sense of pride in participating
  • Greater resilience and determination
  • Greater spatial awareness
  • More highly developed motor skills

Look out on our ‘Famly’ app for activities and updates on our journey in implementing the Daily Mile principles to our practice.

School Gardening

We are very proud to announce that our children’s day nursery has achieved a Level 4 RHS – School Gardening Award. 

This means that we have worked very hard to ensure that we use gardening to support our curriculum. Our passion for the outdoors, ensures that the vast outdoor space we are very lucky to have at our nursery, is put to good use! 

Children and staff alike enjoy planting, digging and making use of produce grown on site. When taking part in the process of ‘growing’, every single area of learning is met for the children. We are very proud and we are now working hard to achieve our Level 5! Well done Running Rabbits Day Nursery!

Our Nutrition and Mealtimes

Food is so very important in the lives of young children, after all, they need lots of energy and nutrition to keep them going during their adventurous days.

All our food here at Running Rabbits is cooked from scratch by our inhouse chef. We always use the best quality ingredients, cooking delicious, nutritious, and balanced meals. It is our aim to start to grow our own vegetables in our allotment area for our chef to use within our meals. We feel it is very important for children to know where their food comes from, and what an opportunity for the children to learn that process from seed to plate.

Our chef designs the menus, including dishes from around the world, being mindful of the children’s 5 a day portions of fruit and vegetables, as well as providing plant-based dishes. Everything we provide encourages children to try new flavours, enjoy food and stay healthy.

We are able to cater for individual dietary requirements such as allergies. We also support weaning and will adapt our menu provision where applicable to cater for individual needs.

Below is a sample of one our typical weekly menus.


Cereal / Crumpets
Fruit Platter
Tuna and Sweetcorn Pasta Bake
Yoghurt with Mango Puree
Ham and Cucumber Sandwiches with Carrot Sticks


Cereal / Toast
Fruit Platter
Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry with Rice
Sugar Free Strawberry Jelly
Vegetable Egg Muffins and Baked Beans


Cereal / Croissant
Fruit Platter
Chicken and Leek Potato Pie with Carrots
Pears and Cream
Pizza Crumpets and Cucumber Sticks


Cereal / Teacakes
Fruit Platter
Mixed Bean Chilli Con Carne with Rice
Mixed Berry Yoghurt
Chicken And Lettuce Pitta Breads with Pepper Sticks


Cereal / Pancakes
Fruit Platter
Lamb Tagine and Couscous
Apple Crumble and Custard
Tomato And Basil Soup with Crusty Bread

Our Team

Here at Running Rabbits we choose to employ the best quality staff to maintain the highest standards we can.

All our staff are:

  • DBS checked
  • First aid
  • Safeguarding trained
  • Food hygiene trained

They engage in numerous other training courses and we are committed to investing in and continually developing our staff.

Our Environment

Our Garden

We are very lucky to have ½ ache of garden space here at Running Rabbits. The garden is split into various sections, allowing different age groups to play separately, or to play together, learning from each other. Bespoke features such as the construction area, mud kitchen, climbing frames, allotment and seated decking area all provide endless opportunities for play and learning.

All our children will access the garden and fresh air at least twice a day and we embrace the benefits of outdoor learning and play. In addition, we have our own allotment area that we are developing, with the aim of growing our own vegetables that will be used by the chef in the kitchen.

Our Purpose Built Baby Garden

We are proud to open our brand new, purpose built Baby Garden at Running Rabbits Day Nursery!

Our new Baby Garden is naturally shaded by our beautiful trees and the grass has been hand selected to ensure the softest finish.
The new baby garden is gated for added protection. This area has been carefully curated, to showcase a spectacular selection of outdoor resources and personalised outdoor experiences for the babies.

Our baby garden specification is based on your babies next steps and developmental needs. We look forward to adapting this space based on the babies needs when suitable.

Our aim is to challenge the babies, whilst ensuring that they are engaged and having lots of fun outside!

Our Surroundings

We are surrounded by the countryside and make the most of this unique area. We have nature trails very close to the nursery, neighbouring farms and lots of varying elements that allow our children and staff to engage in the natural world and local community.

Running Rabbits is currently working on a gardening award from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) School Campaign scheme. This means we will have established, interactive and working growing spaces for all of our children to engage in.

Babies Room (Age range: 3 – 15 months)

Our baby room itself is cosy, comforting, and accessible for all our youngest children. Children are able to chose what they would like to play with and always have staff on hand to help them. Our experienced staff provide exciting and engaging activities for the babies throughout the day. They also have daily access to our garden where they can explore safely.

A dedicated cot room is adjacent across the hall where the babies can rest and sleep comfortably.

Our baby unit also has its own kitchenette area so their food and bottles can be prepared and served when they need it. Weaning is supported and the menus adapted where needed for our youngest children.

Upper Babies Room (Age range: 15 – 24 months)

The main aim of Upper Babies is to help develop your child’s growing abilities, including skills such as table manners, taking turns and developing your child’s gross motor skills as their walking/toddling becomes more confident, all of this whilst being a continuation of the comfort and support provided in baby room.

The room is designed and laid out to encourage increasing independence as well as learning through play. Staff provide messier learning opportunities and this age range will access and play in the garden at least twice a day.

Toddlers Room (Age range: 24 – 30 months)

A lot of learning happens during this age and our Toddler room provides plenty of opportunities for this to happen.
Toddlers have their own bathroom which means we can cater for children at every different stage of toileting e.g. nappies, pull-ups, toilet training etc.

Activities and play in this room start to become a little more structured, preparing children for the next stage in their development. Staff create activities and play opportunities that are designed specifically to help individual children develop and learn, whilst still having fun.

Upper Toddlers Room (Age range: 30-36 months)

As the name suggests Upper Toddlers provides a stimulating environment for our older toddlers and starts to prepare them for those skills that are vital for learning and developing. Skills such as concentration, mark making, independence and clear communication are very much encouraged here. Independence is encouraged and practised to prepare your child ready for pre-school.

Upper Toddlers have direct access to the main bathroom, as well as a changing unit.

Pre-school Room (Age range: 36 months – School age)

Pre-School is all about preparing your child for their transition to school, whilst of course having fun and exploring the world around them. Our oldest children are encouraged to practise independence wherever possible. Our room is laid out so the children can choose and access the toys independently, directing their own play.

Activities and the routine of the day is increasingly structured in Pre-School, getting them ready for the classroom environment.

They even have their own dedicated outside decking area where they can free-flow their play outside.

Our Pre-School children have their own bookbags so that they can choose and share books at home with you, as well as half-termly fun Learning Challenges to help yourself, your child and the nursery engage together in your child’s development and progression.

Sensory Room

We are currently developing a sensory room in our outdoor Log Cabin. This room will be safe, comforting and an engaging space where children of all ages and abilities will be able to explore their senses.

Our Learning Curriculum

At Running Rabbits Day Nursery, we strive to provide a safe and enriched environment to provide the best start for your children. Our curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) with a focus on exploring the outdoors.

We are particularly passionate about educating the children on current world developments such as; impact on the environment, sustainability efforts, the lifelong health benefits of good nutrition, good mental and emotional health whilst enjoying the vast nature and countryside which surrounds Running Rabbits Day Nursery. Children’s learning will be entwined through activities and experiences in our vast garden space brimming with mini beasts, a variety of birds, mole hills and endless gardening and planting opportunities.

By using the seven areas of learning alongside ‘Development Matters’, we aim to equip the children with the skills and knowledge they need to be a part of the world we live in, so that our little graduates are ready, successful, happy and healthy in their future life in school and further education. We aim to use the children’s interests and next steps to plan a blend of adult-led and child-initiated activities.

Join us – What you need to know

Opening hours

Running Rabbits is open from 7.30am until 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.
We are closed for all bank holidays. We also close for a week at Christmas until the New Year.
Exact timings and days are confirmed on a yearly basis.

Sessions and Fees

Below are the sessions that we have available.

  • Full day 7.30am-6.00pm
  • Morning 7.30am-1.00pm
  • Afternoon 1.00pm-6.00pm

You are welcome to do a combination of any sessions, however we do require a minimum of 4 sessions or the equivalent of 2 full days per week to secure a place, for example 4 mornings / afternoons or 2 full days. This is to ensure that your child spends enough time with us to be able to settle well and get the most from their experiences with us.

The sessions and days you chose are fixed on a permanent basis. Any changes to sessions are subject to availability and must be agreed with the manager. We are able to cater for adhoc extra sessions, however again this is subject to availability and must be booked in with the manager in advance, these are charged at the normal daily session rate.

Nursery fees are invoiced to you a month in advance and must be paid by the 1st of each month, for the month in advance. We accept payment via BACS, direct debit or cash.

We offer a sibling discount of 10% off your second child that you bring to the setting, whilst both children are attending with us.

We will be able to provide funded spaces for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Terms and conditions do apply so please ask if you would like more information on this.

We accept all childcare vouchers schemes.

Policies and Procedures

We have many different policies and procedures that we follow throughout the nursery that ensure the safety and well-being of your children and the staff. Everything is designed and followed so that we, yourselves, and the children can experience the best and safest care possible.

Admissions to Running Rabbits

Securing a Space

If you do decide to join us here at Running Rabbits we would be delighted to welcome you.

You will need to complete the Application Form (click here to go to form) for us to review. If you have any further questions, please contact us and we can provide you with more information.

When we receive your Application Form we will be able to confirm if a childcare space is available. Please note that a £50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your space.

If you would like to come and view the nursery and meet the team, please contact us to book in a show round. We’d be delighted to welcome you

Settling In

As your potential confirmed start date approaches, we will get into contact with you to arrange some settling in sessions for yourself and your child. We offer the following settling in sessions:

  • 1 hour (usually between 10am-11am) where you can come into nursery with your child. You will be introduced to the staff and spend some time in your child’s room. This gives both yourself and your child the opportunity to get to know the staff and environment a little better. There will also be some paperwork and forms for you to complete.
  • 3 hours (usually between 10am-1pm) where we encourage you to leave your child with us. It is very important for both yourself and your child to be able to experience that “dropping off” scenario. Your child will be able to have some lunch with us, so also experience a mealtime part of the routine and have a play.

These settling in sessions will normally be arranged for the week/s before your starting date.

Upon starting you will receive a Welcome Pack that will give you lots more details and information about the nursery, day structure, staff and other frequently asked questions.

Key Person

Once your child starts with us, they will be allocated a key person. This member of staff will be your direct point of contact within the nursery and is responsible for ensuring that your child’s learning and development is on track. They will be dedicated to tracking your child’s learning journey, including completing observations and assessments. They are a support for your family and your child.

As a small nursery we do pride ourselves on every member of staff knowing every child and you will very quickly get to know all the staff.

Famly App

As a nursery we use an app called Famly. This app is your main point of connection between your child’s learning journey and the nursery. You can access observations, accident notes and your invoices all through the app. You can also access your child’s daily diary on Famly, providing you with information such as how much they have eaten and personal care etc.

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